Saturday, February 25, 2006

Jacob's birth story

Ok, here's the story really quick while Jacob is sleeping...

I was having contractions 5 minutes apart for a couple of hours and Jason came home from work early. I called the doctor and told the nurse about my contractions and she told me to stay home and rest and if they started to get painful or closer together she wanted to know. She told me to call her back in an hour and give her a status update. So we got in the car and drove towards my doctor's office since it's 45 minutes away just incase they wanted to see me. We got half way there and I called and gave them the update and said they were still 5 minutes and still weren't really painful. She said to stay home and lay down and drink lots of water and take a hot shower and see if they go away. The whole time I'm thinking, yeah right, like I want them to go away. So since we were out, we decided to walk around downtown to see if that would help get them going. I knew it would hurt because of the pelvic separation and bursitis, but at that point, I didn't really care. We walked to a store that a friend of ours works at and talked to him for about an hour. While we were there, I noticed that the contractions were 3-4 minutes and still didn't really hurt. We decided to go to the student union and get some chinese food to see if something spicy would kick start the contractions. They were still 3 minutes and the pain was just a little sharper by the time we left, but they still didn't really hurt. I called the doctor's office and talked to the on call doctor and told her about the bloody show a couple of days earlier and about the contractions. She told us to get to l&d right away.

When I got there, they hooked me up to the monitor and I was contracting every 2-3 minutes. They checked me and I was dilated 4-5. They asked me if I wanted to stay and they would break my water and get things started. I of course said yes. They sent us to one of the l&d rooms and broke my water at 9:10 pm (EST). I started having some painful contractions and opted for my epidural. They did that at about 10:15 and it was such a relief. At 11, they checked me again and I was still only dilated 4-5 so they gave me a bit of pitocin to get things going. Around 1:00 I started having some contractions that were coming through the epidural a little and I could feel the pressure, but also a little pain. Not too unbearable though. At about 1:20 I started feeling pressure like I had to poop so the nurse called for the doctor. The doctor came in and checked and I was fully dilated. At 1:30 am I started pushing and at 1:39, he was born.

The pelvic separation is definitely better. The bursitis on the other hand seems to be inflamed. I don't know if it's because I'm retaining water or because I slept on the hard hospital bed. At least I can take motrin now, which does help.

Here are a couple more pictures:

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